
Urban logistics in metropolitan areas - SULPiTER recommendations

SULPiTER takes into consideration the functional transport and economic relations between inner urban centres (the usual and limited territorial target of public regulations) and the surrounding urban territories, as well as the functional transport and economic relations within FUAs not affecting downtowns. The project made evident the importance of the Sustainable Urban Logistics Plan (SULP) as the right tool to manage the last mile distribution in cities and functional urban areas.

The aim of the recommendations is to raise awareness among cities, regions and metropolitan areas on the logistics sector, and to contribute to the revision of the SUMP guidelines providing not only results from studies and pilots, but from cities and metropolitan areas which actually developed a SULP, with a clear methodology and with a participatory process.

It is possible to go through the 15 main recommendations thanks to the work done by the Institute for Transport and Logistics (ITL) in Italy, University of Maribor in Slovenia, Central European Initiative in Italy and ILIM in Poland.