Read the fourth issue of the CoEXist Newsletter
Last week, at the SUMP Conference, in Groningen (17-18 June), CoEXist had the opportunity to present the new practitioner briefing on Road Vehicle Automation in Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning, a thematic guide which accompanies the newly updated SUMP Guidelines. After the publication of the Automation-Ready Framework earlier this year, this is a major contribution of CoEXist to support cities to effectively address Connected and Automated Mobility in planning processes already at an early stage.
Keep reading to learn more about the practitioner briefing and provide feedback towards its improvement by participating in the consultation survey!
In addition, CoEXist partners were actively participating in many European and international events during the past months, including the recent ITS European Congress 2019, in Eindhoven and Helmond where they presented some of the most recent results of the project. The consortium also had the opportunity to meet with the twinning partners from US-DOT financed projects, share methodologies and results, and plan for further collaborations.
In this issue, you will have the opportunity to discover a new video describing the project’s approach and activities, and to read about the CoEXist city in the spotlight for this issue: Stuttgart, Germany!
And last but not least: the CoEXist partners invite you to save the date for the CoEXist final conference which will take place in Milton Keynes (UK), on 26-27 March 2020!
For more information, read the newsletter online and subscribe here to receive the next issues.