FREE ELTIS Training on integrating health and SUMPs before the CIVITAS FORUM 2019
Health is a key benefit of SUMPs – but how do we really integrate the two and deliver improved mental and physical wellbeing through the plan we design and the mobility measures we implement?
This is a crucial issue and guidance is now provided in the new SUMP2.0 Practitioner Briefing from the PROSPERITY project, but why not find out more and discuss with colleagues and experts?
Thus, come along to the FREE ELTIS Training on integrating health and SUMPs, where Prof. Tom Rye, Claus Köllinger and Robert Pressl (FGM-AMOR) give insight on this field of activity and what cities could do to integrate health aspects in their transport planning.
The training will be interactive and therefore only 30 places are available.
Just before the Civitas Forum starts at 2nd of October 2019, 9:00 - 11:15
Graz, Austria, Location: Province of Styria, Stempfergasse 7, Seminarraum EG.
Registration is mandatory. Register at