
Answer the DIT4TraM surveys on stakeholders goals and cooperation

The National Technical University of Athens, part of the DIT4TraM consortium, is currently conducting two surveys to better understand mobility stakeholders' goals and intentions to get involved in fair cooperation schemes. 

The surveys are accessible via the links below: 

Getting involved in fair cooperation schemes

The first survey is part of Work Package 5, Fair cooperation schemes for urban mobility management in future multi-actor settings. It aims at identifying the most critical situations when mobility stakeholders perceive conflicting interests with other stakeholders, as well as to better understand their expectations and the current technological and organizational processes used to improve cooperation. 

Identifying Stakeholders’ goals

The second survey is part of Work Package 8 Assessment methodology and Market Analysis, Task 8.1 Impact assessment framework. It will be conducted in two rounds. The goal of this questionnaire is to identify all the different goals of stakeholders regarding the DIT4TraM project pilots and the Key Performance Indicators needed to be measured.

In the second round, the local stakeholders around the cities of DIT4TraM pilots will be asked to prioritize the different objectives and assess the relative Key Performance Indicators according to their organizations' objectives. 

More about DIT4TraM

DIT4TraM project aims to develop a generic distributed control paradigm, applicable at the level of traffic operations, mobility management, demand-supply synchronization and shared mobility for a variety of novel multi-modal management and mobility concepts operating at all urban scales. 

Visit the webpage to learn more about the project: