Pedro Homem de Gouveia

Pedro Homem de Gouveia

Pedro joined POLIS in November 2019. He coordinates the Working Group for Governance & Integration, focused on policy-making for cutting-edge innovation, public participation, public-private dialogue, implementation of necessary but politically sensitive measures,...
Andréia Lopes Azevedo

Andréia Lopes Azevedo

Andréia joined POLIS in October 2021. As the leader of POLIS’ thematic cluster on Active Travel & Health, Andréia coordinates the Active Travel & Health Working Group and related projects and activities, ensuring a constant interrelation with other sustainable...
Raffaele Vergnani

Raffaele Vergnani

Raffaele joined POLIS in July 2021 and he is the Coordinator of the Urban Freight Working Group. He oversees thematically related EU-funded projects and he covers the following topics within the logistics cluster: Clean fleets for logistics E-commerce and last-mile...
Pedro Gomes

Pedro Gomes

Pedro joined POLIS in March 2022. Pedro leads POLIS’ Clean Vehicles & Air Quality Working Group and is responsible for several key legislative topics, including the Fit for 55 package (AFIR, EPDB, and CO2 standards for cars and vans, among others), the Clean...
Laura Babío

Laura Babío

Laura joined POLIS in March 2020. As lead of the Mobility & Traffic Efficiency Cluster, her main task involves coordinating and leading the network’s activities on topical issues and emerging themes related to ITS, network management, and digitalisation, including...