Madrid donates 32 buses to Ukraine
You read it right: Madrid has donated a total of 32 buses to Ukraine. The reason? Supporting the eastern European country in its efforts to fight back and build forward after the Russian invasion, providing proper transportation to its citizens!
Madrid continues to show its commitment to creating better cities and fairer realities for all, leading by example. The Spanish capital is donating a total of 32 buses to Ukraine, hoping this initiative helps improve and alleviate the current mobility-related challenges its citizens face.
These buses, who are fit for a multitude of transport-related activities, had already been used by EMT, which plans to deliver the following models and amount:
- 10 units of the Man NL 283F.
- 12 vehicles of the Iveco Citelis.
- 10 units of the Mercedes Citaro.
Previously, EMT had already donated two buses plus two engines and two gearboxes for an educational project in the municipality of Juan Emiliano O'Leary in Alto Paraná (Paraguay) Likewise, in 2022, it donated two buses to two institutes of the Autonomous Community of Madrid (IES Isaac Peral and CIFP Professor Raúl Vázquez) to strengthen automotive training for students in these centers, oriented to industrial vehicles.
For more information, check the official statement in spanish here.