
Interreg Europe peer review service is open until June 28

Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform is a free service set up by the Interreg Europe programme to help managing authorities of Structural Funds and other public authorities design and implement operational programmes and other regional policies, by offering personalised advice from top experts and like-minded peers from across Europe.

Now, the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform is offering a new service called Peer Reviews to Managing Authorities of Structural Funds and Local or Regional Authorities.

What are Peer Reviews?

The Peer Reviews are a constructive way for the authorities to obtain input and feedback on the challenges that policy makers for mobility, renewable energy and energy efficiency are facing. Carefully selected European peers are invited to the host region for a structured exchange of experiences and to provide input and recommendations addressing the specific local challenge.

The first two Peer Reviews in the areas of Low-carbon economy have received excellent feedback from the host regions Hauts-de-France and particular, the first peer review was held in Lille in October 2018 and, together with the region Hauts-de-France, the topic of improving the absorption of structural funds for energy efficiency in social housing and public buildings was tackled.

The second call for peer reviews is now open!

A new Call for Peer Reviews is now open until the 28th of June 2019. If you are interested in receiving hands-on feedback from European peers on how to support sustainable mobility and you represent Managing Authorities and Local / Regional authorities, submit an application for a Peer Review.

Before applying, consult the terms of reference. You can express your interest in a peer review by filling out the application form.


You can find additional information through the following links:

-              Article about the Peer Reviews on the Interreg Europe website:

-              Tweet:

Contact Elena Ferrario, thematic manager of the Policy Learning Platform, for a detailed feedback on your proposal.