Covenant of Mayors upcoming events in Autumn/Winter 2018
- 11 December 2018: Webinar - Financing sustainable mobility
You are a city, region or province considering taking action on sustainable mobility to tackle climate change? Or a local authority that is already implementing activities on sustainable mobility and want to learn more about existing financial tools? Then this webinar is for you! The webinar will present the European Investment Bank (EIB) instruments and successful cases of cities that have benefit from them. More info.
- 12 December 2018: Webinar - Cities and Regions unlocking the potential of biogas for their energy transition. Organised with BiogasAction
This webinar will present EU’s policy & support framework for biogas, providing insight into the BiogasAction approach and achievements. It will also be an opportunity to showcase how biogas is being integrated in local planning documents in Latvia, and how the Solrod BiogaS plant solves nutrition oversupply and seaweed problem at Bay of Køgen Denmark. More info.
- 13 December 2018: Webinar: Exploring the potential of district heating and cooling in cities
This webinar aims to provide an overview of the potential of district heating and cooling in Europe to reduce local GHG emissions. In addition, it aims to highlight the opportunities that cities have to drive low carbon energy transitions by using local fuel or heat sources that would otherwise be wasted, such as waste heat from industry, heat from waste and wastewater treatment facilities, etc. More info.
- 18 December 2018: Webinar: Coping with stress heat in cities
Temperatures hit exceptional levels last Summer, especially in Northern Europe, with severe consequences on health and well-being. Such events are likely to be more frequent as global temperatures are rising. An insight into the solutions and strategies already in place in Paris, Barcelona, and Eastern Europe. More info.
Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum - Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place
19-20 February 2019, Brussels
More info to come soon.