Cooperation between NAPCORE and POLIS inaugurated
On 25 September 2024, NAPCORE and POLIS held a workshop to define the content and timeline for their future cooperation.
Over 50 participants attended the workshop to discuss the priority topics for future cooperation between NAPCORE and POLIS and draft a roadmap for the two organisations' work ahead.
What is NAPCORE?
The National Access Point Coordination Organisation for Europe (NAPCORE) is an EU-funded initiative whose aim is to coordinate and harmonise the over 30 National Access Points (NAPs) for mobility data already established by Member States across the EU under the ITS Directive 2010/40/EU and its Delegated Regulations.
Even if the project is co-funded by a Programme Support Action under the European Commission’s Connecting Europe Facility which will run only until the end of 2024, NAPCORE has been shaped as a future-oriented platform organisation, which will keep working towards better use of EU-wide data, also with the support of POLIS.
Results of the joint workshop
The workshop was moderated by NAPCORE Deputy General Secretary Damaris Anna Gruber, also Team Leader Managing Mobility Data at AustriaTech, and featured presentations by a range of experts on data regulations, data exchange and terms of provision, including:
- Timo Hoffmann, Secretary General, NAPCORE;
- Laura Babío Somoza, Traffic Efficiency Cluster Lead and Co-Coordinator of the Just Transition Taskforce, POLIS.
- Tiffany Vlemmings, Policy Officer and Seconded National Expert, DG MOVE;
- Patricia Pumpler, Analyst Managing Mobility Data, AustriaTech;
- Bard de Vries, Lead architect, NDW;
- Gerard Van Dijck, Smart Mobility Project Manager, CROW.
Presenters gave instrumental insights on the terms of data provision under the Delegated Regulations of the ITS Directive (EU), the role of exchange standards in data provision for cities and shared key takeaways from POLIS research on digitising traffic circulation plans that will be published soon.
The workshop explored the scope and objectives of future collaboration between POLIS and NAPCORE as well as the next steps that the project needs to take in terms of stakeholder engagement to accelerate the provision of data to the National Access Points.
The priority topics that were identified by participants for an intensified collaboration include:
- Strengthening parking data;
- Organising training on data exchange standards for cities;
- Enhanced coordination on RTTI-related issues;
- Creation of a focus group addressing the needs and requirements of cities regarding providing mobility data on the NAPs.
POLIS looks forward to further collaborating with NAPCORE to support the provision of mobility data.