Contribute to our survey on Sustainable mobility and tourism in the Mediterranean!
The Urban Transports Community project (InterregMED) is calling local and regional authorities from tourist areas in the Euro-Mediterranean region to respond to a short survey that will help draw conclusions and recommendations on the interlinks between sustainable mobility planning and tourism impacts on the territory. We invite you to fill it in using the link below (5’ maximum) and we look forward to sharing and discussing the conclusions of the paper, which will be issued late April 2022.
The Urban Transport Community (UTC) is currently drafting a Policy Brief focusing on the nexus between sustainable mobility and sustainable tourism in the specific area of the Mediterranean. To collect quality inputs from key stakeholders, we have designed a survey targeting cities and regions from the Euro Mediterranean area and, more concretely, by the communities of Urban Transport, the Sustainable Tourism of the InterregMed and the Civitas DESTINATIONS.
Answering the survey will take you less than five minutes and will provide us with crucial information to set the political recommendations at the European, National and Regional/local level. The Data provided will be used for the drafting process only. The name of the city/region will not be published in any report.
You can complete the survey here. Your answers will only be used for the matter of this survey. Answers will be collected until 30th March 2022