
BuyZET cities publish Procurement Plans for zero-emission deliveries

Rotterdam's Procurement Plan for Construction Materials explains the city’s strategy to make the procurement of construction materials more sustainable and can be of inspiration to other cities facing a similar challenge.

Rotterdam's Procurement Plan for Craftsmen Service Contracts. For the procurement process for the renewal of a series of facilities maintenance contracts, a new approach was piloted in 2018, based on the ECOSTARS scheme. The strategy involves an initial rating of the suppliers’ fleet at the start of the contract period.

Oslo continued its efforts in promoting sustainable practices within BuyZET by developing a Procurement Plan for Zero Emission Procurement. The city has drafted a guidance document to present the recommended environmental requirements that can be used in most procurements that include transport.

Copenhagen’s Procurement Plan for Supply Consolidation sets out recommendations to make the consolidation of deliveries work. One of them is to use an existing private owned terminal facility instead of establishing a new terminal owned by the municipality.

As for the Copenhagen’s Procurement Plan for Craft and Facility Management Services, a key part of the recommended process is to carry out a market dialogue process prior to tendering, to ensure that the level of the criteria established is appropriate to the contract, including whether these are set as minimum requirements or technical specifications.