
Answer Urban Transports Community's survey on e-mobility in the Med-area

After having organised the Urban Transports Community (UTC) first High-level Workshop in Brussels in May 2022, POLIS is now embarking on enriching its partnership with the Community through the production of a policy brief on e-mobility in the Mediterranean.

One of the main elements needed to write a compelling and rich account of the current status of e-transport modes in the area is, by all means, data - and data is what we are currently looking for.

For this reason, we have developed a brief survey (10-12 minutes) that will help us shape our policy brief based on actual results and expertise in the field.

To access the survey, please click the button below:

Answer the survey!

If e-mobility is your bread and butter and you are actively working on mobility in the South of Europe and/or the Mediterranean region, this survey calls for you and your input.

From discussing the uptake rate of e-mobility in the Mediterranean to pondering on the policies favouring the field, we want to hear from you: submit your answers today.

You have time to fill the survey in until Monday, 25 July 2022: do not miss your chance to be a part of something bigger!