We-Transform 3rd Stakeholder Workshop
The 3rd Stakeholder Workshop of the We-Transform project will take place in Riga on 15 June 2022. Key panel discussions will be dedicated to the future digitalisation impact on the various transportation workforce groups through the prism of the further automation of the sector.
The EU H2020 project We-Transform aims at creating a policy agenda to prepare for the transition of the transport sector related to digitalization and automation of services, and specifically the related workforce transformation. To do so, We-Transform wants to establish an effective dialogue with all parties involved, including workers and employers across all transport modes. This dialogue will enable us to leverage stakeholders’ knowledge and experiences to co-create an action-oriented agenda.
The following thematic areas will be used as a basis to start up discussions during the Stakeholder Workshop:
- Governance of transition;
- Common skills to develop between same-level workers in different sectors of the transport industry;
- Minimization of exclusion processes in the reskilling of the workforce;
- Platforms for gig workers: implications on jobs production;
- The role of local and regional authorities;
- Role of workers in Automated Public Transport Settings;
- Regulation of transition in the view of collective bargaining
- Automation and sustainability
Register to the event is mandatory for participation at the following link.
- 09:00 Opening & welcome by the Project Coordinator and the Host
- 09:10 Presentation of WET objectives and working approach
- Presentation of the thematic areas
- 09:30 Discussion in parallel break-out rooms: thematic areas 1 and 4
- 11:15 Discussion in parallel break-out rooms: thematic areas 2 and 5
- 12:45 Networking lunch
- 14:15 Discussion in parallel break-out rooms: thematic areas 3 and 7
- 15:45 Discussion in parallel break-out rooms: thematic areas 6 and 8
- 17:15 Final statements & next steps
- 18:00 Workshop close
For more information on travel, transportation, and practical suggestions, see the Attachment!
If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact Manon Coyne and Dzvenyslava Tyslyukevych, Project Officers at POLIS Network.