Public Transport Lab: Overcoming barriers, inclusiveness in public transport systems
This event is the second in the Public Transport Lab webinar series.
27 September; 14:00-15:30 CET
A public transport system is only public when it takes into account the needs of all the users. This webinar draws from the experience of European projects that have addressed the topic of inclusiveness in public transport systems, to present a comprehensive view of how vulnerable to exclusion users can overcome the different physical, digital, and legal barriers when making use of public transport.
The agenda includes:
- Human factor and care-givers mobility needs: the main requirements for inclusive Digital Mobility solutions, Floridea di Ciommo, Cambiamo - INDIMO.
- Getting insight in the (un)accessibility of Public Transport, Stefan Talen, Huub Hoenjet, Vervoerregio Amsterdam.
- Overcoming barriers to inclusion in public transport innovation, Tally Hatzakis (Trilateral Research) and Elvia Vasconcelos (Technical University of Eindhoven)