CoEXist Final Conference
The CoEXist Final Conference will take place in Milton Keynes (UK), on 25-26 March 2020.
After three years of intense work, the CoEXist partners will share their experience with the audience, during this two-day event. The project partners will present the final results of the project and will discuss with the audience various topics related to automation-readiness of local authorities. Site visits and a training session will complement the programme and help participants to better understand the achievements of the project.
The conference will take place on 25 March 2020, it will be followed by a training session on 26 March 2020.
Find the draft programme and the practical details here (PDF): PROGRAMME & PRACTICAL DETAILS
Registration and more information:
Online registration
More information on the CoEXist website
CoEXist is a European project (May 2017 – April 2020) which aims at preparing the transition phase during which automated and conventional vehicles will co-exist on cities’ roads.
The mission of CoEXist is to systematically increase the capacity of road authorities and other urban mobility stakeholders to get ready for the transition towards a shared road network with an increasing number of automated vehicles, using the same road network as conventional vehicles.
CoEXist aims at enabling mobility stakeholders to get “AV-ready” (Automated Vehicles-ready). To achieve its objective, CoEXist develops a specific framework and both microscopic and macroscopic traffic models that take the introduction of automated vehicles into account.
The tools developed in the framework of CoEXist are tested by road authorities in the four project cities: Helmond (NL), Milton Keynes (UK), Gothenburg (SE) and Stuttgart (DE) in order to assess the “AV-readiness” of their local-designed use cases.