16/02/2022 Online

CleanMobilEnergy Digital Seminar series: The iEMS


The EU project CleanMobilEnergy has been sharing its experience reducing carbon emissions by piloting an interoperable energy management system (iEMS) through a series of digital seminars. The second webinar in the series will provide an detailed presentation of iEMS and its potential for cities and regions. 


Date: Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Time: 10:00 AM – 10:45 AM CET


CleanMobileEnergy's highly efficient iEMS constantly monitors and optimises the system. Electricity from the grid is only needed when prices are low or renewable energy sources are not available.

The project has already developed and tested iEMS in different City Pilot settings, such as Stuttgart, Arnhem, Nottingham, and Schwäbisch Gmünd. Interested in learning how it could be implemented in your city or region? We then kindly invite you to attend this event.

Check the agenda and register here.