CIVITAS Park4SUMP - High Level Meeting - Electric vehicle deployment: Parking matters!
The rapid, scaled installation of EV chargers brings challenges. In this high-level meeting, the Horizon 2020 projects PARK4SUMP, USER-CHI and eCHARGE4DRIVERS bring together key-stakeholders to discuss how we synergise to so much needed ‘motor shift’ with the ongoing modal and space shift. We will discuss which ‘no regret measures’ can be taken at this stage to make sure EV investments are aligned with the sustainable urban mobility goals of the city.
Time & Date: 6 July, 14:00 - 16:00
Location: Online
This event, organised by POLIS (on behalf of Park4SUMP), USER-CHI and eCHARGE4DRIVERS will discuss:
- The relation between SUMP, parking policy and EV-charging deployment
- Best practices in EV deployment, minimising the impact on public space
- The role of the parking manager, and the municipal parking company in EV deployment
- Practical issues: enforcement, pricing etc.
Electric vehicles are taking flight. The EU has high ambitions for electrification of the fleet, with a total phase-out of ICE vehicles by 2035. Several member states, regions and cities want to go full electric even earlier.
Cities implementing electromobility strategies enter into a new and complex world of stakeholders, standards, regulations and business models etc. There is high pressure on local governments to step in as ‘initiator’ or ‘director’ of charging infrastructure roll-out. It is expected that about 20% of EV users will not be able to charge their vehicle on private property. Consequently, the parking sector plays a crucial role in ensuring a smooth EV transition. The parking sector manages the space in which vehicles are parked, and - while being parked – can charge!
This event is specifically targeting local and national decision makers, who are at the start of initiating charging infrastructure deployment. The event will provide basic information about current EU legislation and its impact on the local level, and will provide the opportunities to discuss challenges ahead, and potential solution pathways.
About Park4SUMP
The Horizon 2020 project Park4SUMP aims to reverse this status by considering parking management as part of a wider strategy that can benefit urban mobility but also the overall quality of life of our cities. In fact, good parking management can help freeing up public space, supporting local businesses, reducing search travel, generating revenues, and making our cities more attractive. Sixteen cities have teamed up in the project to demonstrate and transfer benefits of strategically and smartly managed parking.
Meeting outcomes
A concise meeting report, as well as the best practices mentioned and presented in the break-out sessions will be dispatched to EU and national level decision makers in the fields of mobility, urban planning and energy.