BENEFIC Closing Conference
The BENEFIC Closing Conference aims to change views on and discuss alternative fuels for transport and corresponding infrastructures, and (future) regional, national and European policies.
Taking place in Brussels (Herman Teirlinck building - Av. du Port 88, 1000 Bruxelles) on 28 November 2023, the BENEFIC Closing Conference will shed light on the impressive work of the BrussEls NEtherlands Flanders Implementation of Clean power for transport - BENEFIC project, an innovative cross-border project for developing charging and refuelling infrastructure for alternative fuels for transport.
The goal of BENEFIC has been to accelerate the realisation of infrastructure for environmentally friendly vehicles and vessels, especially considering that the (perceived or realistic) insufficient recharging and refuelling infrastructure is still felt as a barrier when choosing an environmentally friendly vehicle. With funds from the Connecting Europe Facility programme of the European Union, the Brussels Capital Region, the Dutch national government, and the Flemish government initiated BENEFIC to support the rollout of infrastructure, such as electric recharging stations for normal and (super)fast charging, LNG-CNG refuelling points, hydrogen refuelling infrastructure, and shore power installations for inland navigation.
Why should you participate
Participating in the Conference is free of charge.
The Conference will be a great opportunity to meet the BENEFIC grant applicants and hear about their experience and their projects within BENEFIC, as well as other stakeholders who are investigating the future of European policy initiatives and infrastructure funding for alternative fuels for transport. Moreover, the project partners will share the results and lessons learned from the BENEFIC project.
To register for the Conference, click here.