2010 - 2013


Energy efficiency by using daily customer Quality observations to Improve public transport.

ENERQI implemented an innovative quality monitoring system for public transport. It involved voluntary quality scouts which are public transport travellers that answered questionnaires on a wide range of quality-related issues regarding the line that they are using.

The project implemented and evaluated 64 measures to improve public transport. In all cities, the public transport authorities have actively changed their services for the better. Based on the observations made, the customers rated the quality higher.

Successful measures to improve the quality of the service were driver training, network and timetable changes and giving on-route trip information. The project has led to the preparation of information materials, guidelines and instructions for cities and operators that wish to undertake quality monitoring. ENERQI was also recognised as a standard for quality monitoring in public transport.

Key DocumentENERQI Final Report_FINAL.pdf

The project was funded by the European Intelligent Europe Energy (IEE) Programme.

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