2006 - 2007


The « Co-ordination of Urban RoAd-user ChArging Organisational issues » project examined the implementation of tolls for road users as a way to manage urban areas. It coordinated researches and good practices made by cities using or thinking of using this system.

CURACAO's goal was to facilitate the exchange of information, raise awareness and disseminate and promote research results and best practice at a European, national, regional and local level with a focus on the transfer of best practice from the leading cities to other cities across Europe. This involved identification, exchange and dissemination of best practices, setting up of an information and contacts database, as well as the organisation of external workshops, and participation in conferences and other events. All project related information is accessible through the project website.

A group of 20 cities planning for implementation were invited to join a User Group. The User Group was invited to attend CURACAO workshops and is chaired by Bristol City Council, who coordinated both PROGRESS and EUROPRICE, and provides input to the direction of the project.

Document:  Final activity report (Final report)

The project ran from April 2006 until March 2009, funded under the European 6th RTD Framework Programme.

Want to keep up with the latest news? Visit the project's TRIMIS page.