
The Metropolitan City of Bologna has adopted their Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan

The Plan sets out a long-term strategy to make the metropolitan area more accessible, sustainable and competitive by 2030, with 60% mode share for walking, cycling, public transport, a mode share that would reach 70% in the capital city.

The SUMP introduces an original and integrated approach between town planning and regional policies, by upgrading services, mobility infrastructures, tariff policies, active travel promotion, incentive and disincentive policies of mobility behaviors, new smart mobility services.

The Plan's objective is to reach a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030: this means that 440,000 trips by car (out of a total of 2,7 million trips that take place every day in the metropolitan area) will have to be carried out with sustainable transport means, in particular public transport (+19%) and bikes (+14%).

A few first measures have been implemented by now: Bike and car sharing in the city have already started in recent months. New infrastructures and services are expected within 2 years (2020): Regional Express Network (Imola - Bologna); Testing the first Metrobus line; Building 120 km new cycle paths in the metropolitan city and 37 km in the municipality of Bologna; Creating Bologna "Città 30" (30km/h zones) and new electric buses purchase.

For more information, visit the PUMS Bologna Metropolitana webpage here.