
Survey: C02-TRAFFIC-AI is looking for MaaS insights

To support C02-TRAFFIC-AI in identifying suitable governance models for future MaaS solutions, a survey was published to collect opinions from relevant mobility stakeholders about the MaaS ecosystems and related dynamics.

Martel Innovate, FIT Consulting, and Phoops have launched a short questionnaire addressed to the main European mobility stakeholders with the purpose to collect and understand the major aspects characterizing MaaS (Mobility as a Service) ecosystems.

The results will be used to develop the C02-TRAFFICAI system that has been selected to take part in Phase 1 of AI4Cities, an EU-funded Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) project, aiming to support the implementation of innovative solutions combining artificial intelligence, Big Data, 5G, Edge Computing and IoT (Internet of Things).

The six cities and regions composing the “AI4Cities Buyers Group” are: Helsinki, Amsterdam, Paris, Copenhagen, Stavanger, and Tallin.

 C02-TRAFFICAI, as part of an open Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) platform, aims to support collaboration between cities and citizens in reducing CO2 emissions through a winning combination of regulation, active demand management, and user awareness and choice. The solution means a combination of IoT sensors, artificial intelligence, cloud-native platforms, and an accurate data management to boost improvements in the dynamic CO2 emissions assessing and to improve stakeholder awareness regarding this topic.

The survey is available to the following link

The participation takes only 5 minutes of time and does not require any personal information. 

 For further information please visit the Martel Innovate website

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