
Social inclusion in mobility planning: Take part in the European Commission's study

The European Commission (DG MOVE) is conducting a study on the social dimension of the future EU transport system and is calling for participants.

The study, being undertaken by its contractor Steer through April and May 2021, aims to map the challenges and opportunities posed by the modernisation of the transport system across all modes to different groups of users (and in different Member States) in terms of affordability, reliability and accessibility (i.e. connectivity and usability).

It also seeks to understand the preparedness of different stakeholders in responding to trends impacting the modernisation of the transport system, exploring how challenges can be overcome (or where opportunities exist) to ensure that transport users are at the centre of the future transport system and benefits reach all societal groups.

The survey is endeavours to understand how different user groups are being included in mobility planning, focusing on groups including; people with low IT skills, disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility, elderly people, people living in remote and rural areas, women, young people and children, and people at-risk-of-poverty-  while acknowledging complex intersectionality issues across user groups and wider social dimension considerations.

It is important for the study that a wide range of stakeholders from across Europe have the opportunity to contribute. As such, Steer is carrying out a targeted consultation through April and May 2021 with transport user representatives, operators, social representatives, local and national transport authorities.

If you would be happy to participate in the study through responding to a questionnaire, please get in touch by emailing Harry Clarke at