Polis member Leuven wins the European Green Leaf award for 2018
Polis member Leuven was recognised for the strong focus on climate change which led the city to introduce a number of actions in order to achieve its goal of being carbon neutral by 2030. The reinvestment of gains made from energy efficiency into new measures for green energy and the public participation in its climate and energy projects are among the best examples of the city’s commitment.
Commissioner Vella said: “I am delighted to be awarding the tenth European Green Capital Award and the fourth and fifth European Green Leaf Awards. More than two thirds of Europeans live in our cities and towns. The European Green Capital award shows us that cities can grow in size while keeping their green hearts beating. Good urban planning grows each time one city inspires another - that is the secret of the green capital award.”
In order to be awarded with the European Green Capital Award (EGCA) or the European Green Leaf Award (EGLA) cities have to demonstrate a well-established records of high environmental standards and a commitment to setting ambitious goals for future environmental progress, underpinned by the practical application of sustainable development.
The European Green Capital Award and the European Green Leaf Award recognise a city's commitment to a better urban environment. Cities with populations over 100,000 inhabitants are eligible to apply for the European Green Capital Award. The European Green Leaf is open to cities of between 20,000 and up to 100,000 inhabitants. Both competitions are open to EU Member States, EU Candidate Countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.
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