
PaSCAL's 15-minute survey on city readiness for connected and autonomous vehicles

You are invited to take part in a 15-minute survey on city readiness for connected and autonomous vehicles, as part of the EU-funded PAsCAL project, which aims to develop Public Acceptance of Connected and Autonomous vehicles, with a chance to win a £50 or £10 Amazon voucher.

The PAsCAL project (Public Acceptance of Connected and Autonomous vehicLes) is an international project aimed to develop a multidimensional map of public acceptance of higher levels of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV), pointing out any critical issues on the matter, particularly investigating the new “driver” needs considering different modes and mobility services. PAsCAL’s goal is to create a “Guide2Autonomy” (G2A), a set of guidelines and recommendations aimed at accelerating the user-friendly evolution of connected automated vehicles and transport systems.

You are invited to take part in a survey on city readiness for connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs), as part of the PAsCAL project at Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds. The survey has passed University ethics approval (ethics reference: LTTRAN-139).

In this survey, you will make pairwise comparisons of different criteria regarding city readiness for CAVs, and answer questions regarding your opinions about CAVs as well as some basic information about you. You do NOT need to have existing knowledge about CAVs. The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete, and you will have the chance of winning 1 of 40 x £10 and 4 x £50 Amazon vouchers (or equivalent € or $).

To take part in the survey, please click here


(c) PAsCAL project

Staff member(s)