
Madrid gets in the finals of the 10th SUMP Award


On February 14, 2022, the European Commission has announced the finalists for the EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK Awards 2021.

All awards - the two EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK Awards for larger and smaller municipalities, the Award for Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (SUMP Award) and the EU Urban Road Safety Award, are presented in recognition of remarkable activities conducted in 2021 within the frame of the annual theme "Safe and Healthy with Sustainable Mobility".


¡Vamos Madrid!

Juan Gomez ©

Along with Mitrovica South (Kosovo) and Tampere (Finland), POLIS member Madrid (Spain) has been shortlisted for the Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning Award.

JavyGo ©

And for what, you may ask?

In 2021, Madrid further developed its cross-cutting cooperation with the health sector to develop plans for active travel modes and a broad mix of multi-modality initiatives, including cleaner vehicles and the city’s role as a pilot ‘30km per hour city’.

That, paired with the consistent fostering of the city's mobility strategy, which is to restrict car use, strengthen public transport and promote soft and alternative modes to make the city more liveable and accessible, translated into this nomination.


Snatching trophies, leading by example

But it is important to mention that there are other EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK Awards 2021's categories aside from the SUMP Award - and of course, there are further remarkable nominees that could win those.

As for the EU Urban Road Safety Award, which celebrates outstanding road safety measures, Florence (Italy), Rethymno (Greece) and Warsaw (Poland) are competing.

In addition, Amadora (Portugal), Kassel (German), and Lüleburgaz (Turkey) are in the running for the EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK Award 2021 for larger municipalities (>100,000 inhabitants), while Alimos (Greece), Miajadas (Spain), and Valongo (Portugal) are the finalists for the EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK Award 2021 for smaller municipalities.

These last six cities successfully promoted sustainable urban mobility during the week of 16-22 September, showing, as much as the nominees from the SUMP Award and EU Urban Road Safety Award, that size really does not matter when it comes to putting in the work to create, adapt or adopt innovative planning measures, promote new infrastructure and raise awareness about sustainable mobility within communities.

Overview of the twelve cities in the final race to win European sustainable mobility awards - Mobility Week ©


The way forward

For all categories, an independent panel of mobility and transport experts selected the shortlisted cities. The online award ceremony for the four winners will take place on March 28 2022 at 15.00 CET. For more information and to attend the ceremony, click here.

Furthermore, interested participants – from city planners to mobility experts to local coordinators and more – may attend an online sustainable urban mobility planning workshop by the EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK Secretariat on 28 March from 10.00-13.00 CET. To register, click here.