Join us in Brussels to discuss sustainable mobility solutions for a greener Mediterranean
The Interreg MED funded initiative Urban Transport Community UTC), with the support of Mr Ignazio Corrao, Member of the European Parliament (Greens/EFA), alternate member of the TRAN Committee, and of POLIS Network is organising the workshop “Striving for a greener Mediterranean: Sustainable mobility solutions for a greener & better experience living and visiting the Mediterranean”, on May 11th at The Thon EU Hotel, in Brussels.
During the event, different EU-level stakeholders and mobility experts will discuss the potential role of Mediterranean cities and regions in tackling climate change through sustainable mobility planning.
Departing from UTC’s experience in mentoring cities in the area, as well as its policy recommendations and catalogue of Sustainable Urban Mobility Solutions put forth, the workshop will provide a space for discussion on how Mediterranean cities and regions can pursue the transition to more sustainable and resilient mobility.
Hosted by UTC partner POLIS Network, the event will be held on 11 May 2022 between 09:30-12:30 CET, at the Thon Hotel EU, situated in the European Quarter of Brussels, Belgium. You can check the agenda here.
An online streaming option will be available for those who wish to participate but are not able to do so in person. The event is open and free of charge to all interested stakeholders.
As in-person spots are limited, we kindly ask you to confirm your attendance before 9 May 2022 by registering at the following link.
In-person spots will be distributed on a “first come, first served” basis, considering the room capacity. In case further information is needed about this event, please do not hesitate to contact and
About UTC:
The Urban Transport Community (UTC) is an Interreg MED initiative and aims to promote innovative solutions for sustainable mobility in the territories of Mediterranean Europe. The Interreg MED programme is a transnational European Cooperation Programme for the Mediterranean area. It is co-financed by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund), an instrument of the EU regional policy and of its new programming period.