
Health and transport planner experts meet to discuss active travel

European cities' challenges to reduce congestion in their centre, improve air quality and reduce noise pollution are becoming central in urban mobility policy. They aim to circumvent car focused transport planning of the last decade and to promote alternative travel modes.

A SWITCH to walking and cycling would respond appropriately in city needs by improving urban quality of life and developing healthier lifestyle in centres.

In this perspective, an enthusiastic group of fourteen European partners has joined forces to target people in a period of life change to modify travel behaviour and draw specific methodology offering viable options for alternative travel choices.

The full text of the letter and list of signatories is accesible here.

Note to editors

SWITCH is a two‐year project started in June 2014 which has received funding from the European Commission.

The project consortium is composed by 5 city partners, notably Antwerp ﴾BE﴿, Borough of Houslow in London (UK﴿, Donostia San Sebastian ﴾ES﴿, Gdansk ﴾PL﴿ and Vienna ﴾AT﴿, and 9 expert partners: BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Institute for Transport Studies, Walk21, European Cyclists' Federation (ECF), Rupprecht Consult, National Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia (NIJZ), European Integrated Projects (EIP), Intelligent Health, and Polis.