
Have a say: LEAD is mapping the challenges and trends in urban freight transport

The EU-funded LEAD project is running a survey to gather views on the key challenges, trends and influencing factors characterising urban freight transport (UFT), involving key experts and practitioners. The survey is available at this link.

LEAD creates Digital Twins of urban logistics networks in six cities, to support experimentation and decision making with on-demand logistics operations in a public-private urban setting. As a preliminary activity, LEAD collates, refines and further develops existing knowledge and understanding of the city logistics landscape in the era of the on-demand economy, to create new knowledge-driven logistics solutions to cope with the contemporary challenges.

Building upon the legacy of the EU-funded NOVELOG project, a set of factors influencing the UFT environment has been drawn. Participants are asked to assess to what extent each factor influences the development of the urban logistics ecosystem and add any further factor they consider important, but which does not appear in the list.

This survey will take approximately 20-25 minutes of your time. You can fill in the questionnaire by the 18th of September.

The data and answers to the survey are anonymised and will be used solely for this research and will not be shared with other entities, in full compliance with GDPR.

POLIS oversees all communication and dissemination activities in the LEAD project.


For further information, please contact Giacomo Lozzi or Cláudia Ribeiro.

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