
EC releases draft delegated act on C-ITS

The main purpose of this regulation is to avoid a fragmentation of the internal market for C-ITS by establishing a set of minimum requirements enabling a coordinated and coherent deployment. The specifications contained within the draft delegated regulation apply to the full road network and its interfaces with other transport networks relevant to road safety and traffic efficiency, eg, rail crossings and port areas.

In essence, the act requires any C-ITS deployment:

  • To ensure interoperability between C-ITS stations in terms of services and communication technology through the adoption of standards and the development of common interfaces
  • Meets EU security requirements in terms of product conformity assessment and integrity of messages – in this respect an EU trust model is being built which will be managed by the European Commission
  • Adopts at least one of the priority day one C-ITS services listed in an annex.
  • Meets GDPR rules in relation to personal data and forbids the use of C-ITS data for law enforcement purposes.

Existing C-ITS services and stations must gradually fall in line with these rules. In this regard, it remains to be clarified what this means for existing systems based on communication between a vehicle and road side unit, such as a bus/tram priority system.

A consultation is open until 8 February.

To download the draft act and to give feedback, click here.