Apply to the ReVeAL Reference Group by December 20, 2019
You want to increase your understanding of Urban Vehicle Access Regulations while seizing the opportunities that a new, vibrant project has to offer? You want to make your voice as a user and expert on access to be heard?
The ReVeAL Project might have something for you: by now, you probably already know that the project is looking for a diverse group of stakeholders to involve in its Reference Group. The deadline for submitting your interest as a potential member is December 20, 2019.
How Can You Apply to Become a Reference Group Member
It is easy. Click here, answer the questions within the Google Form in a few minutes and... it is done!
Do not hesitate: If you want to become part of a buzzing community of local government policy makers, mobility service and solution providers, technology suppliers and end-user organisations that will be engaged with the ReVeAL project and you wish to benefit from an increased knowledge and understanding of UVARS and the possibility of deploying the ReVeAL tools in your daily activity, this is your chance.
What's In For You
Being in ReVeAL's Reference Group would mean for you to be one of the 30 active members who will follow the project’s evolution, provide end-user feedback on its work-in-progress and validate findings and developments.
All stakeholders can also expect the following benefits from the participation in the ReVeAL Reference Group:
- Networking opportunities across Europe
- Understanding of UVARs and how cities seize them
- Discovering which UVAR measures are getting implemented and how they work
- Having access to cutting-edge research and the latest information on UVARs
- Gaining insights into future UVAR schemes
In addition, travel subsistence for non-commercial entities will be reimbursed.
Throughout the project, participation in the ReVeAL Reference Group may include some or all of the following activities:
- Participation in three face-to-face meetings in a plenary setting
- Participation in Online Meetings might be needed in between face-to-face meetings
- Reference Group members might also be invited to technical visits and specific trainings
More information
For further information, please check the Reference Group Activity Description.
If you have any questions, please contact Maria Jose Rojo, Project Manager at Polis Network.