Achieving gender parity in the transport sector - Complete the survey
What are the biggest challenges to achieving a gender-balanced transport sector? What progress have we made towards equity? What should be our next steps? Share your insights into how you are working to encourage the recruitment and retention of women.
POLIS is developing a toolkit for supporting transport stakeholders to create gender-equal employment practices, and we want to hear from those pioneering new approaches. Complete the survey!
The problem
Women make up only around 20% of the transport workforce and an even lower proportion of its management. Closing this gap is a crucial step in meeting sustainable mobility ambitions while pursuing wider gender parity goals.
We have seen some inspiring and innovative initiatives to address this, and many private and public sector organizations are transforming their employment practices to accelerate change. But we are not there yet, and targeted, effective action is required.
As such POLIS - as part of the SUM4All Gender Working Group, a consortium of transport stakeholders working towards gender equality in the mobility sector, is undertaking a project which will be examining the barriers and opportunities for improving gender balance across the transport industry.
How can you help? Complete the survey!
We are looking for insights into the current global situation and examples of practices which are being undertaken. We want to identify actions, projects and tools being implemented to enable more women to enter the transport sector, improve working conditions and support career advancement.
This survey should take NO LONGER than 15 minutes to complete and will address the current gender balance in your organization and the ways you are creating a more gender-equal workforce. You may also indicate if you have further examples or initiatives that you wish to bring to our attention at the end and we can take up direct contact with you.
Find the survey HERE
How will the survey be used?
This project seeks to produce a practical guide to and toolkit for the changes which need to be made to secure greater female participation in the sector, based on good-practice examples from across the globe. It will review some of the legal and regulatory changes which have occurred over the last several years and examine the potential for accelerating progress.
It will form a very practical support tool for the national and regional policymakers, private sector stakeholders, regulators and other key planners and decision-makers in the field, exploring opportunities for:
- Women to take up decent and secure work opportunities that challenge occupational segregation
- Identifying employer, transport authority and government responsibility to enable women to acquire the skills they need to secure those roles
- Identifying the scope for action and change locally, nationally and globally
You can find out more about the project HERE.
For any questions or to find out more, please contact Isobel Duxfield,