Past Events

11/09/2014 - 12/09/2014

CHAMP Final Conference

The European CHAMP project will come to an end in September 2014. Urban transport policy makers and practitioners, please make sure to block your calendars to hear all about the project's accomplishme...
Read more Ghent

Polis and the Covenant of Mayors joint webinar: Assessing CO2 emissions in transport – supporting planning activities for SUMP and SEA

A webinar on Sustainable Energy Action Plans and Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans –analysing and planning for energy efficient urban mobility will take place on 10 September 2014 at 2pm CET, last...

Free training on the Clean Vehicles Directive

Hosted by the EC-funded Clean Fleets project, this training on the Clean Vehicles Directive (2009/33/EC) is specifically tailored towards trainers, consultants and experts in public procurement or lea...
Read more Sofia (Bulgaria)

Enhanced WISETRIP final event on multimodal travel information

The Enhanced WISETRIP Final Event will provide an opportunity to showcase the achievements of the Enhanced WISTERIP project and contribute to the debate on priorities for delivering EU-wide multi-moda...
Read more Brussels
16/07/2014 - 17/07/2014

Final event of cooperative systems field test project – DRIVE C2X

Discover the final results of the DRIVE C2X project, which involved seven test sites all over Europe, rolling out one common reference system for Car-to-X communication and testing functions for road...
Read more Berlin

MOLECULES national take-up seminar on electromobility initiatives in Grand Paris

The MOLECULES project is organising a national take-up seminar on electromobility initiatives in the Grand Paris area on Thursday, June 26th 2014 in Marne la Vallée. The seminar will cover the financ...
Read more Marne la Vallée, Grand Paris
24/06/2014 - 25/06/2014

5th Swiss Forum on ElectroMobility

The 5th Swiss Forum on ElectroMobility will address potential and challenges for electric mobility....
Read more Transport Museum in Luzern (CH)

Sustainable Energy Week : hitting the clean roads of Europe

Both fuel cell and battery electric vehicles need to have a required infrastructure in place in order to allow an accelerated market uptake, as detailed in the European Commission’s Clean Power fo...
Read more Brussels, Belgium Charlemagne, Jenkins

Energy Technology Perspectives 2014 – Harnessing Electricity’s Potential

Energy Technology Perspectives sits at the heart of the International Energy Agency's work on energy technology and policy. It offers a comprehensive, long-term analysis of trends in the energy sect...
Read more Webminar
12/06/2014 - 13/06/2014

1st European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans

1st European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans "Planning for a liveable city" Sopot, Poland, 12-13 June 2014 For more information on the programme and to register, click here...
Read more Sopot, Poland

Smart Urban Freight Conference 2014

Several EU research projects, industry stakeholders and public authorities will exchange on low emission vehicle technologies, policy initiatives, business models and much more!  ...
Read more Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, UK.
10/06/2014 - 12/06/2014

Transports Publics 2014 – the European Mobility Exhibition

Transports Publics is a showcase of the most innovative products, services and policies relating to sustainable mobility, bringing together all the key players from across Europe and from every aspect...
Read more Paris (France)
04/06/2014 - 05/06/2014

European Electromobility Stakeholder Forum

The next European Electromobility Stakeholder Forum will take place on June 4th & 5th, 2014 in the Diamant Conference & Business Centre Bd A. Reyerslaan 80 - 1030 Brussels....
Read more Brussels
01/06/2014 - 03/06/2014

7th International Congress ‘Cities for Mobility’

The 7th International Congress 'Cities for Mobility' will take place from 1st to 3rd June in Stuttgart....
Read more Stuttgart (Germany)

Public Transport Complemented

The webinar is entitled ‘Public Transport Complemented’ and will feature speakers from some of 2getthers members including PRT Consulting and ULTra Global PRT providing an introduction to Automate...
Read more Webminar
27/05/2014 - 30/05/2014

Velo-City Global Adelaide 2014

Velo-city Global Adelaide 2014 is the world's premier international cycling planning conference....
Read more Adelaide (Australia)
21/05/2014 - 22/05/2014

Free EU workshop – Expanding charging infrastructure and procuring electric vehicles

Bringing together procurement professionals from across Europe, this workshop, which has been organised as part of the EC-funded Clean Fleets Project, will facilitate the exchange of knowledge, expert...
Read more Stockholm (Sweden)

Webinar on Urban Consolidation Centers: UK Experience

On May the 6th at 17h00 CET, the Volvo Research Educational Foundation Center of Excellence for Sustainable Urban Freight Systems is organising the last webinar on consolidation centers....
Read more European

Polis side event at the 4th High-level Meeting of THE PEP

Polis side event on "INTEGRATING HEALTH INTO URBAN TRANSPORT POLICIES" organised in cooperation with the WHO and UNECE at the 4th High-Level Ministerial Meeting of THE PEP - Transport, Health and Env...
Read more Paris
14/04/2014 - 17/04/2014

Transport Research Arena (TRA) 2014

The fifth Transport Research Arena (TRA) is titled "Transport Solutions: from Research to Deployment - Innovate Mobility, Mobilise Innovation!" The call for abstracts is open until 29 March 2013....
Read more Paris-La Défense

Smart Logistics Best Practices Conference

This conference organised by the BESTFACT project will take place on the 11th of April in Paris. A new vision for future green logistic chains will be presented and discussed....
Read more Paris
07/04/2014 - 08/04/2014

Polis Environment & Health working group meeting on active travel

The Polis Environment & Health in Transport working group met on April 7-8, 2014 in Brussels. The meeting looked at new approaches to encourage physical activity, replace car trips by active travel,...
Read more Brussels

MOLECULES Interest Group meeting: Electromobility, users and evaluation

MOLECULES project and Barcelona Municipality invite you to participate in the 3rd MOLECULES Interest Group Workshop: Electromobility, users and evaluation, that will take in Barcelona on Thursday, 3rd...
Read more Barcelona, Spain

Transport Business Summit 2014 – “Transport: driving Europe’s economy”

A conference organised by the European Commission, Vice-President Siim Kallas and the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport...
Read more Brussels (BE)
25/03/2014 - 26/03/2014

London Workshop: Clean Bus Procurement

London is to host the second of a series of four workshops run by the Clean Fleets team on how procurement of clean and energy-efficient vehicles works in practice, to exchange and to learn from each...
Read more London (UK)

ECOSTARS Forum “Cleaner Fleets – Authority meets Operator”

Guided by the question: “Cleaner Fleets through recognition – does it work?” the forum will debate for whom the fleet recognition concept works, what could be improved for the future and which c...
Read more Santander, Spain
18/02/2014 - 19/02/2014

11th symposium: Hybrid & electric vehicles – call for paper

Annual conference on Hybrid and Electric Vehicles, organised by ITS Niedersachsen. Conference organisers are particularly interested in learning more about cities strategies related to electric drivin...
Read more Braunschweig (Germany)

CARE-North: Transportation transformation

The EU funded Interreg North Sea project CARE-North-plus (“Low carbon transport strategies for the North Sea Area”) intends to share provocative thoughts and to have a political debate on mobilit...
Read more Brussels, Belgium

Polis Working Group Meeting on Road Safety and Vulnerable Road Users in Cities and Regions

Polis Working Group Meeting on Road Safety and Vulnerable Road Users in Cities and Regions took place on 11th February 2014 in Brussels....
Read more Brussels (BE)
29/01/2014 - 30/01/2014

Growth of small scale solutions and small vehicle use in city logistics

The next BESTFACT workshop will present small-scale solutions developed within a specialised niche marked in urban freight, green logistics and e-freight.    ...
Read more Brussels

European Electromobility Observatory: First year results

The European Electromobility Observatory (EEO) toasts the first year of monitoring electromobility uptake in the EU....
Read more Brussels, Belgium
04/12/2013 - 05/12/2013

2013 Annual Polis Conference

In 2013, the Annual Polis Conference will take place in Brussels. The Annual General Assembly for Polis members will take place around the conference....
Read more Brussels, Belgium
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