27/05/2021 Online

Towards a Universal Design Manual: 2nd INDIMO Co-creation Workshop

The 2nd INDIMO Co-creation Workshop about the Universal Design Manual validation will take place on 27 May 2021, from 11.00 to 15.00

Within the framework of the INDIMO project, a Universal Design Manual (UDM) with guidelines for developers and operators will be co-created. During this workshop, a first UDM draft will be presented and discussed with policymakers, developers, user organisations and operators. The objective of the workshop is to validate the practicability and feasibility of solutions and recommendations included in this first draft. Interactive sessions will help to elaborate how specific user needs and requirements of operators and policymakers as well as demands of developers regarding technical feasibility can be addressed and what solutions are available to meet them satisfactorily. The results of the workshop will be used to revise and improve the UDM for its final version.

For all updates on the event, the agenda and the registration please visit: https://www.indimoproject.eu/2nd-co-creation-workshop-about-the-universal-design-manual/


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