The AUTOBUS project: final webinar
How do ordinary road users interact with self-driving buses in ordinary road traffic? Join the AUTOBUS final seminar to hear the results on April 28th at 9 AM (CEST)
The goal of the AUTOBUS project is to study how ordinary road users interact with self-driving buses (AV shuttles) in ordinary road traffic, at three different locations in Norway, namely Forus, Kongsberg and Oslo.
TØI, TU-Delft, Vias institute, and Lund University have gathered data and used video observation techniques to investigate the interaction between traditional road users and AV shuttles and its evolution over time.
Some researchers have suggested that because AV shuttles run slowly and defensively, other road users will be able to take advantage and hinder AV shuttles future accessibility in traffic. Is that what actually happens in real-life traffic?
The results will be presented during AUTOBUS final webinar held on April 28th at 9 AM (CEST) open to all interested.
09:00–09:10 Welcome and general project presentation
Torkel Bjørnskau, Institute of Transport Economics, TØI
09:10–09:30 European pilots with AV shuttles
Marjan Hagenzieker, TU Delft
09:30–09:50 AUTOBUS: Field survey results
Torkel Bjørnskau, TØI
10:00–10:20 AUTOBUS video analysis – interactions with cars
Aliaksei Laureshyn and Carl Johnsson, Lund University
10:20–10:40 AUTOBUS video analysis – interactions with VRUs
Tim De Ceunynck, on behalf of Vias Institute
10:40–10:55 The future of AV shuttles
Applied Autonomy, Ruter, Kolumbus
10:55–11:20 Poll and concluding remarks