COVID-19: Keeping Things Moving

Auckland launches Innovating Streets projects

Auckland Council’s Emergency Committee has endorsed Auckland Transport (AT) to take part in Innovating Streets for People pilot fund.

The successful projects range from safer streets outside schools, slow street projects, and walking and cycling facilities. The Innovating Streets fund is designed to allow for quick lower cost projects to be trialled as a transition for long term projects.

Auckland Mayor Phil Goff said that Innovating Streets is about creating safer, more people-friendly streets. “Government funding allows us to work with local communities and their local boards to design and test changes at low cost to see how well they can achieve the objective of creating places that are good for pedestrians and people on bikes to be."

The fund seeks to capitalise on the safer and quieter streets seen during the COVID-19 outbreak by introducing more permanent measures to prioritise people in urban areas.

For more information, please see this article from Intelligent Transport.