
Have a say on flexible & shared use of urban space and parking for logistics!

Changes in consumer behaviour, new e-commerce services, instant deliveries, the COVID-19 pandemic, along with traditional urban freight, are all causing an increase in last-mile deliveries and pressure on the system, due to the lack of available space. As these services continue to grow, the importance of the curb side management is key.

Polis (Cities ), ALICE (Logistics), EPA (Parking ) with the support of FIT Consulting and the Erasmus University Rotterdam are exploring the opportunities to improve parking management and urban logistics in the cities and looking into the potential of access management integrated with flexible and shared use of urban space and parking. Together, they are launching a second large-scale survey at European level on curb side management.

Through this short questionnaire, the associations would like to collect information to deepen the discussion on curb side management among their members and to define the main opportunities and challenges to be addressed in the near future. The focus of this survey is on urban logistics.

The survey can be answered in 5 minutes, does not require to share any data and it's available here:

The preliminary results will be presented on 16 June 2021 at the IPIC 2021 Conference, during the Special Session “Curbside Management in the Physical Internet”.

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