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2022 - 2027


SMAPE aims at improving shared mobility policies to support a shift away from private car use and move towards more sustainable options. How? By helping policymakers find the right tools and implement the right actions to promote shared mobility solutions to commute in and between cities!

Due to urbanization, transport demand in cities and regions in Europe is still growing. Although a modal shift from private cars to more sustainable modes of transport is occurring, in absolute numbers car use still increases, leading to unchanged emissions and congestion.

SMAPE (Shared Mobility Action Programmes Exchange) is an Interreg Europe project that will support cities and regions that have started to address this challenge by introducing policies focusing on the stimulation of shared mobility and facilitate the implementation of pilots and large-scale uptake of shared mobility services.

Over the course of 4 years, the project's main goals are promoting sustainable multimodal urban mobility, optimizing the mix of mobility modes and integrating shared mobility in local mobility networks and MaaS systems -  all in line with the EU’s Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, its Urban Mobility Framework, and the Territorial Agenda.

SMAPE will work on the policy instruments of 7 partner cities:

  • Bremen
  • Bucharest
  • Bergen
  • Ljubljana
  • Walloon
  • North Aegean
  • Mantova.

We will lead the communication and dissemination activities to build momentum for shared mobility, while also taking part in the identification of relevant good practices and in the knowledge exchange activities. The goal?  To promote knowledge transfer, conduct capacity-building activities, and communicate and disseminate SMAPE’s results.

Want to keep up with the latest news? Follow the project on LinkedIn and Twitter.