Urban Mobility Days Conference to be held as a digital event
In light of the ongoing uncertainty around the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic the European Commission's Urban Mobility Days Conference in 2020 will be held as a fully digital event. POLIS will be coordinating the conference through its involvement in Eltis.
Previously intended to take place as a three-day conference in Brussels from 29 September to 1 October, the event's new online format will enable participants to join debates and exchange expertise on the most important urban mobility topics safely from their own desks.
Further details on the digital event programme, plus registration will follow very soon on the dedicated Urban Mobility Days event page.
The theme of the event is “zero-emission mobility for all“ and will combine two leading events from Europe’s transport calendar: the CIVITAS Forum Conference and the European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs).
The conference will also go beyond transport by connecting zero-emission mobility initiatives with broader EU efforts to tackle climate change and make Europe a carbon-neutral continent by 2050. Conference activities will also address the resilience of urban mobility in unforeseen circumstances, and take stock of lessons learnt to date during the COVID-19 pandemic.