Urban Agenda for the EU updates: new brochure and report
The State of play of the Urban Agenda for the EU – Multi-level governance in action
The online brochure “The State of play of the Urban Agenda for the EU – Multi-level governance in action” highlights the diversity and variety of actions and achievements of the Urban Agenda for the EU so far.
The Urban Agenda
The Urban Agenda for the EU is an innovative urban policy initiative, which has put multi-level governance into action. It has enabled cities, Member States, the European Commission and other key stakeholders to come together to jointly tackle pressing urban matters and deliver concrete outputs for the benefit of EU citizens. The Urban Agenda for the EU is an ‘umbrella’ for all urban policy initiatives, helping to strengthen urban policy at all levels, from city to Member State to EU.
Why you need this brochure
The brochure emphases the role of the Urban Agenda for the EU in building innovative and good governance, working in a more integrated way addressing cross-cutting issues, and in implementing the UN New Urban Agenda. In addition, it outlines multiple EU programmes and initiatives addressing sustainable urban development.
The Future of Cities report
The report highlights drivers shaping the urban future, identifying both the key challenges cities will have to address and the strengths they can capitalise on to proactively build their desired futures. The main aim of this report is to raise open questions and steer discussions on what the future of cities can, and should be, both within the scientific and policymaker communities.
The Joint Research Centre
This report is an initiative of the Joint Research Centre(JRC), the science and knowledge service of the European Commission (EC), and supported by the Commission's Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO). This report is produced in the framework of the EC Knowledge Centre for Territorial Policies and is part of a wider series of flagship Science for Policy reports by the JRC, investigating future perspectives concerning Artificial Intelligence, the Future of Road Transport, Resilience, Cybersecurity and Fairness Interactive online platform.
Why you need this report
The report is novel in two ways. First, it was developed in an inclusive manner – close collaboration with the EC’s Community of Practice on Cities (CoP-CITIES) provided insights from the broader research community and city networks, including individual municipalities, as well as Commission services and international organisations. It was also extensively reviewed by an Editorial Board. Secondly, the report is supported by an online ‘living’ platform which will host future updates, including additional analyses, discussions, case studies, comments and interactive maps that go beyond the scope of the current version of the report.