TIDE Final Conference in Barcelona: 3 years of cooperation on mainstreaming innovative measures in the field of urban mobility
The conference offered a unique opportunity for urban transport practitioners and policy makers from all over
Europe to learn more about the project results, tools and recommendations through workshops around the five TIDE measures areas: new pricing measures, non-motorised transport, ITS, electro-mobility and public transport organization (the presentations will be shortly available on the TIDE project website). Presentations were combined with site visits that gave a concrete illustration of how the different measures work in practice.
This event demonstrated that the work on mainstreaming innovative measures in urban mobility is an ongoing task, during the conference participants were introduced to new projects tackling topics linked to the five TIDE Clusters. The project is leaving a rich legacy including detailed methodologies on transferability and impact assessment of measures as well as concrete implementation scenarios.
The first day of the conference ended with the TIDE award ceremony that rewarded the city of Kocaeli (Turkey) in the Innovative Transport Project Category for its new public bike system and the London Borough of Ealing (UK) in the Innovative Transport City category for developing a Cycle Safety Shield for lorries enabling them to detect vulnerable road users and greatly diminishing any risk of collision. Both local authorities were rewarded for their courage to introduce innovative and daring measures to meet urban transport challenges in a sustainable and effective way.
For more information on the project, please contact:
Ivo Cré, Project Coordinator: icre@polisnetwork.eu
Or go to: http://www.tide-innovation.eu/en
The presentations of the Final Conference will be soon available on this page: http://www.tide-innovation.eu/en/Events/TIDE-final-conference-15-16-September-2015/