REFORM publishes its Good Practices collection
The REFORM partners have collected Good Practices (GPs) on sustainable mobility planning and SUMPs (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans) from the four REFORM regions and beyond, in Europe. The 26 GPs are coming from nine EU countries:
- Austria (2),
- Belgium (1),
- France (1),
- Greece (4),
- Italy (4),
- the Netherlands (3),
- Slovenia (1),
- Sweden (1), and
- United Kingdom (9).
The GPs have been selected to suit the Region’s needs and priorities regarding sustainable urban mobility. Their role is to inspire the REFORM regions to improve sustainable mobility and promote SUMP implementation and adoption regionally and locally. Subsequently, they will be integrated in the four regional Action Plans (APs).
In order to allow regional and local authorities to identify easily the GPs which are the most relevant to their own contexts, all GPs are presented in the same format. Quick facts, including the objectives, the location, the institutions involved, the timescale and the contacts are provided. For each selected action, these details are complemented by a longer description of the GP, its relevance in the implementation context, a concise analysis of its results and drawbacks as well as an analysis of its transferability.
- The full report is available online:
- The individual GPs will be regularly made available on the REFORM website, in the GP section: