
Read the new CityMobil2 newsletter

In this newsletter, you will read more about the large-scale demonstration in Trikala (Greece) in an interview with Mr Dimitris Papastergiou, Mayor of the city. You will also read about the small-scale demonstration in Sophia-Antipolis (France) where a Reference Group meeting on exploitation/implementation of CityMobil2-type systems took place on 21st and 22nd March. The theme of exploitation will be discussed further in this issue in an article on the implementation process that cities have to go through to set up an Automated Road Transport Systems (ARTS).

An article on the legal aspects of automated mobility and additional articles on other CityMobil2 activities and events, including the CityMobil2 final conference (1st & 2nd June 2016 in Donostia - San Sebastian) will add to the content of the newsletter.

Good reading!