
Presentations of the 1st MAVEN stakeholder consultation with cities about automation are now online!

The aim of this first MAVEN stakeholder consultation workshop was to discuss and review the preliminary MAVEN system concept, use case descriptions, and assessment and demonstration plan.

The meeting was attended by nearly 35 participants, of which some two-thirds were representing local government. Local authorities and other urban road stakeholders were invited to share their views on the role and impact of increasingly automated vehicles on urban roads and traffic management.

The workshop offered several opportunities for interactive discussion on views, ideas and concerns of automated driving in relation to four main aspects: the societal objectives of a city authority; the traffic manager’s role and responsibilities; impact assessment; and the transition phase. Feedback was gathered through an online real-time voting tool which proved effective to engage the audience and trigger discussion.

To view the workshop note, click here.

The agenda is available here, all the presentations are available on the project website