
NOVELOG project: workshops on micro-consolidation and other solutions for urban logistics

(Micro)-consolidation represents a solution to deliver goods in a more efficient and effective way. Lockers systems are examples of smart consolidation. The city of Mechelen is running a pilot testing smart locker systems, supported by the NOVELOG project. Linked to it, a workshop investigating the potential and opportunities of micro-consolidation centres, and the role of smart lockers in efficient and sustainable logistics was held in Mechelen on October 10, 2017.

Moreover, over the past two years, seven EU cities and regions have developed innovative urban freight transport solutions to be applied in their local context. NOVELOG has developed four tools to support city logistics policy formulation and decision-making, which have been tested in these cities. The preliminary outcomes from selected city cases were presented at the NOVELOG Case Studies Workshop in Brussels on October 11, 2017.

All presentations, pictures and the agenda can be downloaded at:
