
New report calls for greater inclusion and diversity in transport sector

The report titled 'Acting Today for More Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity in Mobility and Transportation' represents a collaborative effort between Intermobility and the European Commission’s Ambassador for Diversity in Transport, with support from POLIS.

The report highlights significant disparities and imbalances in the transport sector, focusing on gender and population inequalities. It aims to shed light on these issues and provide actionable solutions through a '5 pillars' strategy that any transportation and mobility company can implement to prioritise inclusion, diversity, and equity (IDE).

Over the past six months, the report's authors conducted nearly 50 interviews with top industry experts, including CEOs and managers, and received around 150 responses to their detailed questionnaire. This data-driven approach has resulted in a white paper that not only outlines current challenges but also provides practical recommendations for progress.

Key findings

  • Workplace inequality: 71% of respondents expressed pessimism about resolving IDE-related inequalities in their companies, highlighting ongoing issues with salary disparities, maternity support, and career progression;
  • Transport accessibility: The report emphasises that while transport is a vital tool for social inclusion, current systems fall short in serving the most vulnerable populations, who often lack access to higher education and upward mobility;
  • Strategic recommendations: The white paper proposes a '5 pillars' toolkit to help transport companies improve diversity and inclusion. These pillars include:
    • defining IDE as a core value;
    • offering employee flexibility;
    • ensuring consistent treatment across all seniority levels;
    • establishing clear metrics for IDE initiatives;
    • becoming leaders in the field of IDE.

Expert insights

François Hoehlinger, co-founder of Intermobility, stated:

Our objective is clear: to catalyse an evolution towards a more equitable and diverse transportation workforce. By adopting these recommendations, the industry can enhance its resilience and unlock new opportunities.

Heather Allen, a renowned Independent Consultant on Gender and Urban Transport who contributed to the report, added:

Reducing inequalities is not only about social justice but also about economic growth. Addressing wage disparities alone could significantly boost the GDP.

Support and collaboration

The report has garnered support from several associations and networks, including Cercle CiME, Femmes en Mouvement, and the Union Internationale des Transports Publics (UITP). Just like POLIS, these organisations have agreed to endorse the report and promote its findings within their networks.

Intermobility extends its gratitude to all contributors, including the expert team of Heather Allen, Lucia Schlemmer, Cate Bichara, Dagmara Wrzesinska, and Tu-Tho Thai, for their invaluable input and dedication.

For more information and to read the full report, visit Intermobility's website or read the PDF directly on our website.