LENS Workshop tackles tampering in in-field and roadside measurement
Mid-May marked the commencement of the LENS on-site test campaign in Leuven, observed by a group of external stakeholders during a workshop on 15 May 2024.
After extensive preparations, laboratory tests of noise and air pollution equipment, and collaboration with the Leuven police, the first tests on over 100 vehicles took place at two locations in the Belgian city.
The urban L-vehicle (2-, 3- and 4-wheel vehicles such as motorcycles, mopeds, quads, and minicars) measurements, primarily targeting mopeds and delivery vehicles, were conducted during the evening hours. Meanwhile, tests at Donkerstraat covered a more diverse set of L-vehicles. Representatives from cities and citizens' organisations across Europe attended the urban testing location to gain insights into the campaign. Presentations from the event are available at the bottom of this article.
The LENS project provided stakeholders with an overview of its laboratory and on-street tests. Initial observations and insights from the experimental setup in Leuven were shared, supported by photos and videos of the L-vehicle testing. Further details on L-vehicle controls will be shared in a subsequent news item.
Lively exchange in a hybrid setting
The workshop began with welcome addresses from Tim Asperges, Mobility Advisor of Leuven, and LENS Project Coordinator Leonidas Ntziachristos. The presentations highlighted various aspects of the project, from initial laboratory tests to upcoming measurement campaigns in other European cities. These presentations facilitated a thorough understanding of the measurements, leaving a few questions unanswered during the visit to the urban testing site. The event featured interactive Q&A sessions, sparking lively debates among participants.
The presentations, available on the event report page on the LENS website, are also available below:
- Welcome & Introduction
- LENS Objectives
- Involvement of Leuven Police
- Tampering Detection
- Noise Measurements
- Air Pollution Measurements
- Work Package 3-4 Updates
- Type Approval
Representatives from Budapest, Albania, the Netherlands, and Germany, including several citizen initiatives focused on noise pollution, participated actively. They shared challenges related to L-vehicle nuisances. Leonidas Ntziachristos emphasised that LENS is a research project, currently unable to make policy recommendations, but the diverse stakeholder engagement will help highlight the importance of addressing L-vehicle pollution at national and European levels. Policy recommendations will be part of the final project output in spring 2025.
What comes next?
The LENS consortium, in cooperation with POLIS, ACEM, and IFPEN, is organising a dissemination event on 17-18 September 2024, in Paris. This event, coinciding with the next measurement campaign, will feature stakeholder engagement and POLIS Working Group meetings dedicated to two-wheelers. More information and a 'save the date' will follow soon.