Improved mobility for older people - EUR2 million prize to win!
Why this Prize?
The European Union’s population is ageing. There will be 75 million people over the age of 65 in Europe in 2020, and 88 million in 2030. The share of people aged 65+ should increase from 17.5% of the population in 2010 to 29.5% in 2060 in the EU-27.
This requires reconsidering existing mobility systems in order to meet the needs of older people and help to combat social exclusion and support independent living especially for those with reduced mobility. Providing adequate mobility solutions for older citizens enables them to continue to fully participate in cultural, educational and health activities and services, and to remain active participants of the economy. Developing new mobility solutions or improving existing ones will also provide new opportunities for innovative small companies, transport operators, social economy start-ups and NGOs at local, regional or national level.
The purpose of the contest is to develop innovative and sustainable mobility solutions for older people (65+). The prizes will be awarded, after closure of the contest, to the applicants who in the opinion of the jury demonstrate a solution that best addresses the award criteria. The solutions submitted, likely to combine technological, social and behavioral features, must be implemented for several months during the contest period.
The jury will assess the work and progress made by the applicants during an implementation period of at least 5 months between the opening of the prize and the submission of the applications, based on measurable evidence that they will have to provide. Applicants will also have to demonstrate that their solution can be scaled-up and replicated in different contexts.
For more detailed information on the criteria of the prize, please check out the Rules of Contest.
The prize was launched during the “Opening up to an era of social innovation” conference in Lisbon on 27 November 2017. Submissions will be accepted until 28 February 2019 and the prize will be awarded in the second or third quarter of 2019