
European Mobility Week 2017: Time to register

The EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK campaign provides the perfect opportunity to present sustainable mobility alternatives to local residents; and to explain the challenges that cities and towns are facing in order to induce behavioural change and make progress towards creating a more sustainable transport strategy for Europe

Local authorities are strongly encouraged to use the Week to test new transport measures and get feedback from the public. It is also an excellent opportunity for local stakeholders to get together and discuss the different aspects of mobility and air quality, find innovative solutions to reduce car-use and thus emissions, and test new technologies or planning measures.

Clean, shared and intelligent mobility

This year, the European campaign will focus on the "Clean, shared and intelligent mobility", adopting the call-to-action: "Sharing gets you further".

By using shared forms of transport we can reduce our expenses and lower our carbon footprint. Best of all, we can meet new people and make our journey more sociable!
Smart technology, such as apps and online platforms are already helping to make mobility more efficient, saving us money and helping the environment. New applications have made it easier than ever before to manage our mobility together.
Studies show that embracing shared mobility can have a positive impact on our towns and cities: each shared car, for example, takes approximately 15 private cars off the road. Sharing also enables us to mix transport types more easily. Driving, cycling, public transport - it's all possible when we share.