
ELIPTIC, ASSURED & CleanMobilEnergy join forces for charging infrastructure workshop

In joining forces, the three projects gathered four advanced cities which presented their strategies and activities for electric charging infrastructure.

Peter Swart from the City of Arnhem and Coordinator of CleanMobilEnergy opened the session with a presentation focused on the use of clean energy for electric mobility, he was followed by Angel Lopez from BSM Barcelona who explained the overall charging infrastructure strategy and plan of Barcelona. Peggy Magnusson, from the municipality Gothenburg introduced the actions of her city regarding the electrification of mobility, including urban freight and public transport. David Talbot from TfL London closed this session with an overview of the ELIPTIC activities implemented in London on the multi-purpose use of the metro energy grid.

This was followed by a presentation of the ASSURED project and the main conclusions and recommendations of  ELIPTIC which were later discussed in two parallel interactive sessions.

The presentations are all available on the event page.